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Viral Traffic Blast – MRR EBook (EB 159)


Learn How To Make More Money, Get More Exposure And Permanently Increase Your Traffic Using Powerful Viral Marketing Secrets!

I’ve taken the time to put together an incredible course all about viral marketing and making money online.

The course is a fully tested, proven, step-by-step eBook titled Viral Traffic Blast that will guide you through the vast world of viral marketing and how it can make you some massive profits.

With this Traffic Generation guide, you will learn…

♦️A set of 17 new viral marketing ideas you can use

♦️How to increase website traffic and income

♦️The most complete viral traffic system around

♦️Simple ideas to increase exposure on the net

♦️Proven tactics that work to boost your traffic

♦️Ways to sky rocket your traffic as soon as today.

Everything contained in this valuable Viral Traffic Blast guide comes directly from hands on experiences of both myself and countless others.

Getting access to this course today will help you finally build a sustainable viral traffic generation  that produces massive profits.

Click the BUY COURSE BUTTON and grab the course. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

The cure for viral traffic has finally arrived at your doorstep…

Make More Money, Get More Exposure And Permanently Increase Your Traffic Using These Powerful Viral Marketing Secrets!

Have you ever wondered how to get viral traffic easily? Inside this course you’ll discover my personal proven 17 point viral marketing system that gets me tons of traffic super fast.

With this Traffic Generation guide, you will learn…

+ A set of 17 new viral marketing ideas you can use

+ How to increase website traffic and income

+ The most complete viral traffic system around

+ Simple ideas to increase exposure on the net

+ Proven tactics that work to boost your traffic

+ Ways to sky rocket your traffic as soon as today.

Dear Internet user,

I want to quote some headlines right now and then we’ll discuss something important…

“Incredible Marketing Secrets Revealed Inside”

“Guaranteed Riches From These Methods”

I’m positive that you’ve come upon these types of headlines all over the place. They often accompany an article or a web page that’s trying to sell you their version of hyped up garbage for achieving instant riches and crowds of traffic to your website.

Unfortunately, though, that “instant riches” and push button simple solution usually turns out to be a complete bust.

It doesn’t make ANY money for you at all. This “perfect solution” that was hyped up and pitched to you does little or even nothing to actually help you with earning money and raking in the HUGE profits that you and your business deserve.

But… what if I were to tell you that I have a specific, real world resource that is PROVEN to get you loads of traffic and in turn, tons of leads and conversions, all through an easy to follow step-by-step process?

How about if I ALSO told you that this particular process will work for you no matter your niche, expertise, industry, or business?

Sure, you might think this truly does sound too good to be true. Just another hyped up sales pitch.

That’s okay, I understand and I don’t blame you at all. You’ve heard this same hype from other people before.

Here’s the difference though…

I’ve taken the time to put together an incredible course all about viral marketing and making money online.

Inside you’ll discover a fully tested, proven, step-by-step process that guides you through the vast world of viral marketing and how it can make you some massive profits.

Everything contained in this valuable training guide comes directly from hands on experiences of both myself and countless others.

Marketers that, through trial and error, managed to fumble tpheir way beyond the mysteries and headaches of viral marketing and achieving 67 and measurable success online.

But YOU don’t have to learn all of this stuff the hard way, you don’t have to…

Waste your time trying methods that don’t work at all.

Drain all of your hard earned money and savings on lame traffic tactics.

Endure the pain of failure with each attempt that doesn’t end up succeeding.

You can just skip over all of the guess work and jump right to the part where you achieve success and hordes of traffic.

So how do you go about doing this?

The secret to success is with this proven e-book training course.

If you’re still here now, I’m sure you’re ready for me to reveal the solution.

If you want to start building your highly profitable viral marketing campaign right now, then this is for you…



Training Guide

This action packed training guide is setup to be dead simple to follow, and lays out countless strategies for acquiring traffic for any website or product that you’re promoting, without having to break the bank.

You will discover exactly how to go about promoting your website, putting these methods into effect, and of course, how to generate loads of targeted traffic.

This is just a brief summary of all of the chapters and sections that are laid out in this viral traffic generation system:

Chapter I: Internet Traffic Now

#The Elements of a Successful Viral Campaign

#There’s A Free Lunch And You’re Serving It!

#Share And Share Alike

#Social Networks Traffic Traffic 101

#Learn To Utilize Your Connections

#Make It Special


#What’s In It For Me?

#The Basics of Going Viral

Chapter II: How Is “Viral” Marketing Unique

>Viral Marketing Strategies

>Gives Away Valuable Products

>Provides For Effortless Transfer To Others

>Scales Easily From Small To Very Large

>Exploits Common Motivations And Behaviors

>Utilizes Existing Communication Networks

>Takes Advantage of Available Resources

Chapter III: History And Viral Marketing

✓Classic Historical Examples

Chapter IV: Opportunities And Ideas

♦️Winning A Prize (Rewards)

♦️Informing Your Audience

♦️Free Trials of Products

♦️Playing A Game

♦️Opt In, Not Out

♦️Basic Marketing Tactics

♦️Tracking Costs And Expenses

♦️Defining Success

♦️Importance of Having A Plan

♦️Reward Costs

♦️Get Them To Sign Up (1)

♦️Track Their Actions (2)

♦️Boost Sales (3)

♦️Offer The Right Rewards

♦️Targeting The Right Audience

♦️Segmenting Your Customers

♦️Advanced Segmentation

♦️Gathering Segment Data

♦️Targeting Profitable Leads

But hold on a minute, that’s not it.


You will receive 4 bonuses that will help you even further:


Bonus 1: Hybrid Cheat Sheet (Valued at $37)

This cheat sheet is particularly useful for this guide because it contains over 7 pages of steps and check lists that you can print out and use to easily take action for every section of the main course.

It will categorize and break down every part of this course, so that you can easily follow along without having to dig through the guide again. This assists you in keeping track of your progress and will help you to utilize the methods far better.

Bonus 2: Mind Map (Valued at $27)

This is an awesome feature called the “mind map” that will basically blueprint the complete training guide. It presents you with an interactive visual overview of this entire training course so that you’ll be able to dive into each section to learn everything.

You can also print it out to make better usage of it. You’ll receive multiple file formats as well so that you can adapt it to your most preferred style of usage.

Bonus 3: Top Resources Report (Valued at $27)

Not surprisingly, there’s a ton of tools, resources and knowledge exposed inside the “Viral Traffic Blast” training guide. With the resources report, you receive all of the resources, websites, and everything else presented in the guide, in a neat and orderly fashion.

This means you’ll be able to navigate out to the different websites and resources and keep track of what you have and what you need to do. Not only that – this bonus perfectly accompanies the rest of the bonuses and main course.

Bonus 4: Do’s And Do Not’s Chart (Valued at $27)

Because of the vast amount of knowledge and detail outlined in the training guide, you may start to feel overwhelmed trying to keep track of it all. That’s just where the nifty Do’s and Do Not’s chart comes in to save the day (and your time).

You receive a table (chart) that displays just about everything you need to know about what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do when it comes to creating and running a viral marketing campaign. If you have any doubt or questions, just refer to this chart.

Everything that you need to take advantage of this system and the viral potential that’s out there, for your business and your website, is all fully done for you, researched and ready to go.  All that’s left for you to do is download this package and put this PROVEN system into place to start playing with the viral power of the world wide web.

So… what are you waiting for?


Discovering the full viral traffic system and methodologies that fuels so many of the “overnight” traffic success stories that you hear about is really just as easy as grabbing your copy of this super detailed product and going through everything inside.

You don’t have to sit there and watch as other’s go viral again and again, scratching your head wondering how, or spending time and money trying to create viral traffic yourself.  You just need to apply the powerful & proven system revealed in this course to your own marketing efforts and then witness the viral results.

The “VIRAL TRAFFIC BLAST” Training Guide comes with a Special 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

This is the real deal opportunity staring you in the face.  This is your chance to eliminate the guess work, and have the entire viral traffic system for getting your offers, products, business, or website out in front of TONS of people.

The only thing that you have to do at this point is download this training package and discover the system for creating viral campaigns effortlessly without having to risk floundering.

I’m sure you could easily keep spinning your wheels and eventually get a “viral” hit sooner or later. I have no doubt about that at all.

Wouldn’t you rather have the entire system ready to go and achieve viral success right now?

There’s truly no shortage of “overnight” viral success stories, and there’s definitely no shortage on the tons of traffic that’s out there for you.

My question for you is: why waste any more time when you can have the system at your fingertips?

With all of that in mind, it’s time for you to decide the fate of your traffic getting efforts…

You already know how valuable “viral” traffic can be for your business.

I’m not trying to pitch you some “hyped up” gimmick to take your cash or waste your time.

I’m done the hard work, analyzed the successes, invested tons of money, and cracked the code for going” viral” in today’s world wide web.

I’ve compiled all of the tactics into this system so that people just like you can take advantage of the never ending supply of “viral” traffic that’s out there. You don’t have to waste time, efforts, or anything at all.

That’s exactly why right now you can get complete access to this massive “viral” traffic training guide along with all of the bonuses as well, for a HUGELY discounted price but only if you take action today…

You have absolutely nothing to lose and tons of viral potential to gain – and all you have to do is put this system into effect for your business.

No longer will you have to sit by and watch these accidental “viral” success stories while scratching your head and wondering how you can duplicate that very same success.

You can completely avoid messing with another hyped up guide that doesn’t deliver, or any of the trial and error with trying to figure this stuff out on your own.


Just click the BUY COURSE button to get access.


To Your Success,


P.S. Everything you’re about to read is tried and tested material. This will apply to your business not just once, but for many years to come. It’s an investment not just for today, but far into the future. Get the “VIRAL TRAFFIC BLAST” Training Guide TODAY!

P.P.S. Remember, this is 100% risk free. If for any reason you don’t believe that you got your moneys worth, just contact us, show us how you put these techniques into action, and we’ll give you a full refund. That’s how confident we are that this really does work.